Friday, January 18, 2019

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: TV Review! | A Discovery of Witches Season 1, Episode 1


TV Show Review - A Discovery of Witches - Season 1, Episode 1

Description: Our impressions, feelings, nitpicking, drooling, squeeing, dying on/over episode one, season (or 'series,' pick your flavor!) one of A Discovery of Witches

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind! Please be advised, we are approaching the television series (A Discovery of Witches) the same way, as it's released. 😊  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

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1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the book series:
  • Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL 
  • If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books). For a more in-depth view of the trilogy, The World of All Souls is available at all major book sellers, as well as the continuation volume written in this world, Time's Convert.
  • Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
  • To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.
It's all about that book! Diana reviewing a manuscript at the Bodleian
In this episode:
Official episode summary:

From the press release:

In Oxford’s Bodleian library, brilliant American historian and reluctant witch Diana Bishop unwittingly calls up an ancient magical manuscript, Ashmole 782, which has been missing for centuries, and finds herself confronted by acclaimed geneticist and vampire Matthew Clairmont, who is determined to get his hands on the book. Diana’s determination not to be frightened by Matthew as he struggles to control his predatory instincts around her fuels a dangerous connection between the two of them. When news of the book’s appearance spreads throughout the world of daemons, vampires and witches hiding in plain sight among humans, the hunt for the witch who summoned it takes on a deadly intensity.

Special thanks to our Patron sponsor for this episode: Sarah Markham

Reference material for some of our musings:

What do you guys think? Coincidence, or an intentional nod?
Diana's attitude throughout the episode:

This crazed face led to the smile below.
This tiny smile is a result of the crazy show above.
In closing...
Well, we covered a lot this episode, but here are the takeaways: Diana Bishop is NOT in the proverbial Kansas anymore. She goes from her nice quiet life in academia to opening Ashmole 782, and entering this whole other world, to which -- whether she likes it or not -- she belongs. From what we can tell (pretending we are coming to this sans the book series, of course), she wants no parts of any of this! From her run-in with this dark, mysterious vampire named Matthew Clairmont, to all of the strange occurrences surrounding her as a result of her encounter with the manuscript.

In the end, we realize Diana is fascinated with Matthew. The smile could've been because he didn't eat her for supper. That's it! She's thankful for his helpful advice on escaping him! ←Just kidding! She really likes him (spoiler) πŸ’—!

From the previews to episode 2, it appears that she's tired of running away, and is finally going to deal with this book and everything that goes with it. And the irony of it all! The only person she's willing to tackle this with is the person she's been avoiding the most in this episode; Matthew. More next week when we meet Juliette, Hamish, Domenico & Gerbert!

Informational Links:
  • A Discovery of Witches soundtrack on iTunes/Apple music & Spotify; Song of Home is included in this soundtrack.
  • The show,  A Discovery of Witches, is available on SundanceNow and Shudder (in the US/Canada! Other countries, we aren't leaving you out -- it's just that the majority of our listeners reside in the US/Canada. Those of you in the UK/Ireland and have never heard of the series (what?!) it will be available for you on SkyOne and NowTV. Please check with your television providers outside of the countries we mentioned
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Amira Gulch - not 'Elvira' ... sorry, audience!
  • Lullaby, by The Cure (that's the song we associate with the Diana's spider dreams -- indulge these GenX'ers for a bit! Watch/listen!)
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πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List

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Are You Ready for A Discovery of Witches?

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Thanks for listening!
Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information 
*DISCLAIMER: Daemons Discuss! (by extension, Daemons Domain) is independent, non-profit, and is not affiliated with BadWolf, SkyOne, NowTV, SundanceNow, Shudder or any of the production/broadcast entities associated with A Discovery of Witches. All audio clips from the show/soundtrack during our episode reviews are used strictly for commentary; categorically, according to U.S. copyright law, this method falls under Fair Use.
* Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
* News intro: by AwesomeMusicVideos21; provided for fair-use/royalty-free.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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